Our Life Skills Program

Our Life Skills Program is always a big hit with the kids. The Link Center 4 YOUth brings in community members who are experts in their field to demonstrate a helpful life skill to students and allow them to interact and perform these tasks themselves. Some past Life Skills Program topics have addressed how to change a tire on a car as well as a giant pickup truck; how to patch a hole in drywall; how to make a complicated dinner entrée from scratch, then enjoy their efforts; how to crochet and knit; how to mend a hole in clothing, and so very much more.

We would love to involve various community members in our Life Skills Program. If you would like to offer to demonstrate and guide students in performing a specific life skill from your profession, please do not hesitate to call our office directly at (717) 774-2633, and we will put you in contact with our program coordinator. This has proven time and time again to be a rewarding experience for both our presenters and our kids.